Affiliation Fees and Levies

There are several ways for clubs to pay affiliation fees and event levies. Here is a short summary:

Clubs can renew via the main CTT website using a debit or credit card, but the person paying first needs to register as a club official. Go to for this to be setup. You can also update your contact details etc. within this system.
Alternatively clubs can send their payments to the Midland District Treasurer (details below). A form for this is available to download from the CTT website and this is where you should indicate any change to the club contact, secretary or your AGM delegates.
The fee remains at £30 for club/team affiliation, plus an additional £50 if your clothing carries advertising. Remember, if you miss the 31st December renewal deadline there is an automatic £20 re-joining fee. 

Club Time Trial Levies:
If your club runs time trials a levy of £3 per rider is payable to the CTT. Levies cannot be paid to the CTT main account on-line, these have to be sent to the Midlands District Treasurer. They should be accompanied by a list of events and numbers of riders.  A form is available to download from the CTT website to help with the format. Please retain your signing-on sheets for one year as the auditor may wish to carry out a random check (if you've reported an accident you should keep them for 7 years).

Open Time Trial Levies:
If your event accepts entries through the CTT website (as 90% already do) then levies at £4 per rider will be deducted at source before the entry fees are paid into your nominated bank account. If your event does not accept online entries then levies should be paid to the Midland District Treasurer (details below).

Ways to pay:
1.. Bank transfer. We have a CTT Midlands account, so you can make a transfer to that account and this will be forwarded to the CTT as part of a bulk payment. For account details please contact the Midland District Treasurer.
2. Pay by cheque. Send cheques to the Midland District Treasurer. Cheques should be payable to the 'CTT'. Please don't make cheques payable to the treasurer by name.

Midland District Treasurer:
Laurie Bird
11 Mulberry Road, Rugby, Warks., CV22 7TD. 
Telephone 01788 813025.