2023 is now history, we have seen the National TTT promoted on local roads, and the inaugural Midlands Hillclimb series run by Paolo Coppo. Nationally the decision was made in line with other major sporting organisations to change the rules regarding a rider's gender, details have been published elsewhere and in the CTT handbook. For 2024 we have Open TTs throughout the Midlands mostly at short distances, but the Beacon Roads CC mini-mountain event on 21st April continues as part of the CTT Classic Series on its regular circuit. If your desire is for 25s or longer distances, then we are unable to provide for you, mainly due to a lack of suitable courses.
Elswewhere on the District website, please read about the award of the Eddie Smith trophy to Charlie Barnett - CTT Midland District - Presentation of Eddie Smith trophy to Charlie Barnett
Steve Walker, CTT Midlands Chairman
Here you will find everything you need to know about time trialling in the Midland District of Cycling Time Trials. Events organised by clubs from Banbury to Stafford, Malvern to Rugby, Birmingham and the surrounding areas are included, both informal club events (no pre-entry needed) and more formal 'opens'.
Whether you want to find an event to ride, look up the route of a course or check on the results of one of the Midlands competitions, you should find everything here. Contact details for all the district officials are also given so if you're not sure about anything or think anything is missing, why not contact them?